A look inside the drinking water filtration facility. How does it filter the water? What is inside the filters?

Flow of water through water filtration facility

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Finished water reservoir

This page provides our readers with an introduction to some of the math used in a water plant operators world. 

For example, how to calculate the volume of a cylindrical tank, how to calculate psi, conversion factors for cubic feet to gallons, converting cubic inches to cubic feet.  We hope this page is a valuable tool for you to use in solving future water related math problems.

Membrane process modifications  
How soon after the WFP came on line did the IT occur?

So many times it has been observed that the WFP has been in “pause”, as programmed to do, during the same 24 hour timeframe that an IT ( integrity test) is scheduled to automatically occur on a specific module unit. The interrupted IT schedule is held in waiting until the filtration process “wakes up” and flow begins. Upon plant startup, any unfinished tasks, such as the programmed IT’s, are immediately initiated by the PLC.