Holiday Season Package Safety Tips

Don't be the victim of porch pirates this holiday season!

Everyone, including thieves, knows that the holiday season means that more packages than normal will begin appearing on doorsteps very soon.

Help keep yourself safe from package thefts with the following tips:

  • Use delivery alerts and track packages – This can help you plan for someone to be at home when the package arrives.
  • Collect packages as soon as possible – The longer a package sits at your front door, the more chances there are for it to be stolen. Always collect packages as soon as possible to minimize the risk of theft.
  • Deliver to a pickup location, PO Box, or your work – Many delivery companies offer alternate pickup locations where your package will stay safe until you are able to collect it. Consider having your package delivered to your PO Box or your work if this is an option.
  • Include special delivery instructions – If you have a secure spot at your house where a package will be safe and out of sight, request that the delivery person place your package in this alternate location.
  • Get to know your neighbors – Develop a connected neighborhood community to help keep each other safe. Neighbors can work together to watch out for suspicious activity. You can also ask a trusted neighbor to pick up your package once it’s delivered and store it in a safe spot until you can come collect it.

If you see something, say something. Report suspicious activity to 503-397-1521.


Published November 14, 2022