Construction Impacts at Campbell Park Saturday, August 28

Campbell Park Sign with Sport Court Demolition Progress in Background

Work on the Campbell Park sports court project will take place on Saturday, August 28. Construction work will impact access to certain areas of the park. The playground and ball fields will remain open and accessible. Please avoid the parking area adjacent to the ball fields during construction. The contractor will be using this area for construction vehicles.

The contractor will be doing soil stabilization work around the sports courts. This step will help ensure the longevity of the new sports courts once they are installed.

The Campbell Park sports court project will expand parking at the park, install new sports courts, and improve stormwater facilities and ADA access. This project is partially funded by a grant from Oregon Parks and Recreation for $187,024. Work completed so far includes demolition of the old sports courts, removal of vegetation around the area, and construction of a new culvert to prepare for expansion of the parking lot.