City Employee Earns Certified Public Infrastructure Inspector Designation

Earlier this month Construction Inspector Tim Underwood earned the Certified Public Infrastructure Inspector (CPII) designation from the American Public Works Association (APWA).

The CPII designation is a valuable certification for individuals who inspect the construction of public infrastructure (e.g., roadways, highways, utilities, bridges, dams) and facilities (e.g., pump stations, treatment plants, water storage facilities) and other types of construction work and materials to ensure compliance with plans and specifications.

To obtain the CPII designation, candidates must prove their competency in the testing, measurement, and inspection of underground construction such as utility systems, storm sewers, water systems and sanitary sewers; at-grade construction including curb, gutter, paving, sidewalk and driveway approach construction, restoration work, traffic striping, traffic signal installations, construction traffic control devices, erosion and siltation control installations; and structural construction such as forming systems, reinforcing steel and reinforced concrete structures. Expertise is also proven in project management, documentation and compliance as well as inspections for right-of-way permits, site materials, sewer lines, and paving projects.

Tim has been with the City for the past 23 years providing inspection services and engineering technician support for a variety of projects including sewer rehabilitation, storm drain and water main construction, and street paving. He also holds certifications as a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL), Certified General Construction Inspector, and Certified ADA Inspector.