Outdoor Burn Period Postponed in St. Helens Due to Fire Danger

October 11, 2022

St. Helens, Ore. - The City of St. Helens outdoor burn dates for the fall are being postponed due to the ongoing fire danger in our region. An outdoor burn ban currently remains in effect under the Columbia County Fire Defense Board, a ban which will likely stay in place through the end of October. Columbia County is at a high fire danger risk level, and there is no rain or cooler temperatures predicted in the short-term forecast. 

The City of St. Helens will wait for the Columbia County Fire Defense Board to lift the burn ban in our area before selecting new dates for the city’s fall burn period. Normally, St. Helens would open fall outdoor burning on the third Saturday in October.

The Columbia County Fire Defense Board would like to remind the community that human carelessness is a significant cause of wildfires. It is everyone’s responsibility to practice fire safety.


For further information regarding St. Helens fall burn dates, please contact Communications Officer Crystal King at cking@sthelensoregon.gov.