City Announces 2021 Employee of the Year

February 25, 2022

St. Helens, Ore. – Each year, the City of St. Helens names an employee of the year who consistently goes above and beyond for the public and fellow co-workers. Nominations are submitted by City employees and then reviewed by a panel of community members to make a final selection.

On February 25, 2022, the City of St. Helens announced that the 2021 City of St. Helens employee of the year is St. Helens Police Corporal Dustin King.  

The City assembles a panel of five community members who are not related to the City of St. Helens to be judges. The panel is asked to set aside all bias and judge the nominees solely based on the nominations received, emphasizing the quality of the nomination and employee rather than the quantity of nominations.

Corporal King was hired by the City of St. Helens in November 2015 as a patrol officer for the St. Helens Police Department. He was promoted to detective in April 2018 and then to corporal in July 2020.

Corporal King’s nomination noted that he is consistently professional and has extraordinary personal and professional integrity. In 2021, Corporal King received three life saving award commendations from the St. Helens Police Department. The Life Saving Award is given to an officer for an extraordinary act or effort that resulted in the saving of a human life or lives that would have died without the officer’s direct involvement. This may include a situation involving more than routine first aid, steadfast medical intervention, life threatening immediate emergency situations that an officer was not trained or equipped to handle, or heroic physical intervention. Corporal King also assisted in rendering emergency aid to an OSP trooper who was critically injured in the line of duty. The nomination also noted that Corporal King is dependable, takes initiative, and is a team player with a positive attitude.

The St. Helens Employee of the Year program was implemented in 2013. An employee of the year is someone who consistently exemplifies behaviors that reflect favorably on the City. He or she is an employee that goes above and beyond on a regular basis; someone who goes the extra mile to help customers, both internally and externally; responds to inquiries in an efficient and timely manner; regularly participates in employee-related events; puts the City’s interests and the interests of his or her co-workers above their own; has an exemplary attendance record; behaves off duty in a manner that reflects positively on the City since City employees are public officials even outside work; has a positive attitude no matter the circumstances; and is noticed by people in and out of the organization.


For further information regarding the employee of the year program, please contact Human Resources Coordinator/City Recorder Kathy Payne at