About Rec

St. Helens Recreation Staff

St. Helens Recreation program believes a quality recreation center/program is an asset to any community. A well-run community center serves as a thriving hub of activity for youth, families, senior citizens, civic organizations, parks and recreation departments, and more. With so many people dependent on the facility and its personnel, a community center needs outstanding leadership and support resources to be successful. The St. Helens Recreation Program has partnered with many non-profit organizations, businesses, and individual community members since the program was launched less than a year ago. Partnership development continues as the St. Helens Recreation Program strengthens the collaborations that it has already made and seeks to add new community partners in order to grow and make the program thrive. Current partnerships include the St. Helens Youth Council, Arts and Cultural Commission, St. Helens Public Library, Columbia City Library, St. Helens School District, Eisenschmidt Pool, Columbia Community Mental Health, Columbia Health Services, NW Education Service District (ESD), Portland Community College, NAMI of Columbia County, St. Helens Senior Center, Youth Recreation Leagues, and many more.

We employ members of the community to help run the St. Helens Recreation Program, which include local high school students as well. We also have volunteer opportunities for youth and adults. Some of the opportunities will help underserved youth earn credits to attend programs at a discounted rate.

We are part of the Connect SH community movement and the Suicide Prevention Task Force. Connect SH and the St. Helens Recreation Program believe feeling disconnected and insignificant leads to self-destructive behaviors in youth. Being connected and significant leads to strength and resilience.

We are in the Lewis and Clark Elementary School daily with SHARP (St. Helens Afterschool Recreation Program), providing homework assistance, teaming up with partners, and teaching social and emotional learning skills (SEL) as well as science, technology, engineering, art, and math programs (STEAM). The SHARP Program has been accepted as a provider for the Child and Adult Care Food Program. This program provides aid to child and adult care institutions and family or group day care homes for the provision of nutritious foods that contribute to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of young children.

Partnering with the St. Helens School District has helped us assess the needs of the youth in our community. One of the main needs that has been identified is that the tween and teen population needs a safe place that is monitored with caring adults to do afterschool and weekend activities. One of the programs we have created to help fill this need is our Tween and Teen Nights. 

These opportunities are afforded to local youth and their parents. A recreation center and community center provides a place where devoted coaches, teachers, and staff members create an environment of growth and learning for young people. A community recreation center can foster community pride and bring people together. Providing opportunities for interaction, inclusivity, and community learning helps contribute to a safe community and economic development.

Maintaining an active lifestyle is a fundamental aspect of a happy and healthy life. Fortunately, the St. Helens Recreation Program doesn’t solely cater to young people. Walking clubs, fitness programs, athletic opportunities, art and craft classes, and various cultural activities are made available to adults, seniors, and youth. A recreation facility helps to develop a culture of physical wellbeing, mental health, and nutritional education. With thoughtful planning for community needs, the St. Helens Recreation Program creates opportunities for all community members. Keeping affordability as a high priority for all that we do, we are able to provide opportunities to those on a low or fixed income.

Creating partnerships allows other organizations to host events and help with staffing. A community building makes the community stronger. Our goal is not to duplicate programs but fill gaps, as well as help enhance what is already being offered in the community.

The St. Helens Recreation Program believes that by partnering with the community, we are stronger together.