Gateway Sculpture Project Phase 1

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Led by the City of St. Helens’ Arts & Cultural Commission in partnership with Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Highway Division, the Gateway Sculpture Project was designed to create an inviting and attractive landmark to greet residents and travelers while also marking the entrance to Columbia Boulevard, the city’s main street.  The two artistic landmark sculptures were installed in August 2014, and are located on the east side of the highway bridge over Milton Creek in St. Helens, Oregon on the Columbia River Highway (Highway 30).  Created by Portland artist Suzanne Lee, the sculptures are two 22-foot tall metal obelisk lanterns with cutout images featuring the history, culture and natural elements of St. Helens and vicinity and are illuminated during the evening. Supporting the city’s economic development efforts, this public art project was funded through “percentage for art” from the city’s public works projects and many fundraisers sponsored by the Commission over the last couple of years, including two Sweetheart Balls and a Home Tour.  

St. Helens Mayor Randy Peterson and Julie Vigeland, chair of the Oregon Arts Commission, led the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Gateway Sculpture Project on Sept. 10, 2015, which was attended by state and local officials as well as many of the volunteers who worked with the Arts & Cultural Commission to bring the sculptures to St. Helens.